Dec 11, 2009

19 Years Old, to the day

Or at least it was a girl 19 years ago at the Utah Valley Regional Medical Center. Yup, that's right. One more year and I'll be a fifth of a century.

To celebrate, last night I went with Corry, his twin friends, Melissa, Melissa's guy, Megan, Caitlyn, and Sarah to Salt Lake to see the lights, then we saw part of the Motab's concert that was broadcast in the tabernacle. We had an adventure on Trax. We got on, we rode, and then the door wouldn't open to let us off. There we were, all intelligent college students and we couldn't get off, even though we rode Trax earlier. Wow. Next was yummy food at Applebee's. I love that they have a weight watcher's menu! It makes tallying it up so much easier, and it's guilt-free!

Today has been great, especially because of the awesome people I work with that remembered my birthday. People are so thoughtful!

Well tonight will be the family dinner and I'm sure it will be delicious. At our house, whoever has the birthday chooses the food, so it's the one time a year when the veggies won't be drowned in butter and salt, and the home-bottled grape juice won't have added sugar. I also have been wanting to try a diet soda cake that cuts the calories in half! I hear it's really moist and delicious. My mom suggested going out to eat. Either she doesn't want to cook or the family doesn't want to eat food that is good for you. Oh well. We'll see.


Stephanie said...

Mostly after the funeral all day (seriously, she didn't come home until 3pmish) and being kept up way late the night before, she didn't have much energy for dinner. :)

Teresa W said...

So, how did you guys end up getting off trax? I want to hear the end of this story :)

HedaWood said...

We missed 2 stops and then followed someone out of another door farther up. I think the door was broken, but we all felt like stupid tourists and just assumed it was something we weren't doing right. Haha. We must have looked hilarious! At least the train car was mostly empty.