Apr 14, 2010

Almost There, So Close!

I am so close to be done with the school for the summer and start packing up my stuff to move out.
- 12 days until I move out
- 7 days until school's done
- 5 more finals
- 2 more primary lessons
- 1 trip to drop off the stake athletic stuff
- 1 trip to the dentist : (

And then
- Job hunt for a second part-time job
- Getting back in shape for hiking season
- Running again, I got in a bad lazy habit back in fall semester
- Starting my summer reading list

Also I'll be enjoying these movies that I won from the History Channel on a blog comment contest. I'm such a nerd - I'm so excited to watch them and have them in my little collection!

Apr 5, 2010

From Grandma's Bookcase

Visiting Grandma and Grandpa Wood's place this weekend reminded me of how much I love their collection of books. Here are some favorites (that I can remember) from Grandma's house:
  • Picture Books: story of Poppy Seed, Miss Rumphius, Little Black Sambo, The Christmas Miracle of Johnathon Toomey, the riddle and joke books, the Cookie Monster book, the red ball book, the puppy that went to the circus, the little well-worn board books of all sorts of childhood classics, and especially all of the beautiful Christmas picture books.
  • Other Books: the classic Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew, the countless horse books like Flicka and The Snow Pony, The Bobbsey Twins, Under the Blood Red Sun, the Great Illustrated Classics versions of Around the World in 80 Days and A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, and a whole lot more that I can't think of right now.
  • The Best Book Ever: Corrie ten Boom's autobiography
Thanks for sharing the books Grandma!