Jun 13, 2011

Decisions, Decisions

I don't like making life-changing choices. Right now I'm thinking about whether to serve a mission or not. That means I'd have to take Fall semester off to work to pay for it. Taking Fall semester off and then deferring for a mission means postponing school, which means I'll be in school forever. When I get back everyone my age will be done with school and moving on with their lives. That sounds selfish though, I want to be a missionary, and I want to make sure it's for the right reasons. I also need to know that I can afford it because I still want to maintain my goal of graduating with no debt. So far, so good. I still don't know what to do though. There's also the small matter of the fact that my mother would like more grandchildren. She informed me that "the Spirit better knock you over the head before you decide." Choices, choices.

1 comment:

Kishara said...

If you feel like you nerd to go on a mission then go. You are young there is time for every things eles.