Jan 4, 2010

Adventures at the Wilk

Tonight I'm having the usual night-before-school-starts jitters. I. Can't. Sleep. So I am pondering about my last semester and what an adjustment it was to go to BYU. My school is a special place. I love it! Although, in just my first semester I have seen some 'special' things.
For example, the Wilkinson Student Center, what a special place.
The following are true occurrences at the Wilk-

One day, Uncle Sam waltzed through at lunch, in full get-up. He was met with an uproar of applause. He raised his hands to accept the cheers and walked on through with no explanation.

Another time, a table full of girls started singing and harmonizing "Lean on me, when you're not strong. I'll be your friend. I'll help you carry on..." They started out soft and then got louder and stood up, singing into an amp. We couldn't help but sway to the beat, hold up invisible lighters, and sing along.

Once, I needed to find a copy of the New York Times for a class. I know they are provided somewhere on campus, but I didn't feel like asking around. Me and my friends walked into the Wilk, took the first empty table, and there it was... a complete copy of the New York Times that someone left, just for me! A miracle!

Then there was that time when female wrestling was trying to recruit by doing demonstrations of their skills. That was horribly uncomfortable to sit next to! Especially when the male instructor joined in. Eww! I'm sure they are skilled and work hard, but I'm also sure the moves were against the Honor Code. Definitely against the Honor Code.

Once a guy hopped on his chair and yelled, "I can't take it anymore! Does anyone want to just get married?! I'm sick of playing games!" He actually got a few raised hands and responses from girls. But seriously?

Most of the time that I spent at the Wilk was at lunch with Jill, Caitlyn, and Trent. We took our lunch very seriously, meaning YouTube, SNL clips, and explosive laughter. This is tricky when half the people there are trying to study and eat at the same time. Solution: only sit by people with headphones in and nobody gets hurt, or glared at.

Once our group of four sat and listened to a student wearing a fur-ball hat announce from on top of a table that anyone wishing to collect food for the needy could sign up, and as incentive they could take a llama around with them as they collected. A llama? It was called "Care-a-llama". I wonder who thought that one up.

Last, but most definitely not least. Girls aren't safe sitting alone, or even in a group of three, as we soon found out. One day, Trent left Jill, Caitlyn, and me at our table. Not even two minutes later comes the creepsta. "Hey ladies, can I sit here? What are your names? How has your day been? Etc." I couldn't tell if he was just socially awkward or seriously creepy, but it was really uncomfortable. This is where Jill looks at her shoes because she just had a bad encounter at her work that started like this, Caitlyn just looks at Jill, and I feel obligated to at least make small talk with the guy. It's times like these when I wish I could be mean to strangers, but I can't. Luckily, he inhaled his food and left. Phew.

Just some samples of BYU stories. I'm sure there are funnier ones that you've heard of, but this was only semester one.

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