Feb 9, 2010

Sleep Mastery

I have always had issues with getting up in the morning. Well who doesn't? But sometimes I can be the heaviest sleeper. Back when I used to share a room with my sisters, I could have whole conversations without coming back to consciousness. I have to keep my alarm clock across the room and turned up loud to get me awake before I turn it off in my sleep.

This morning I hit a new low. It was bad. I blame my heater blanket.

I was half awake and half asleep and that's all I remember until I was flying out of my bed and going out the door in a matter of three minutes.

Tonight Rebecca told me what I had said as I rushed out:
"Oh my gosh I almost just subconsciously convinced myself to not go to school!!!"

Haha. I can totally imagine that coming out of my mouth when my brain wasn't functioning yet.
The Heather that controls me when I fall asleep must be very irresponsible because there is no way this Heather could pull that off.


Teresa W said...

Haha, I pull it off all the time which is why I try to only take dance classes in the morning. My sleepy self has a lot more control over my mind

Stephanie said...

We are so different. I can't ever get to sleep or stay a sleep. Yes, a lot of that is due to colicky children, but I always had sleeping problems when I was younger. You could do so much in the day and not ever wake up. You have such a talent for that.