Feb 5, 2010

When upon life's billows...

I'm feeling a little tempest-tossed, so I'm gonna count some blessings.
Thank you sky for the sweet-smelling rain today. Thank you dear cousin Sierra for the cold slice o' pizza in class. Thank you car radio for allowing me the pleasure of  rockin' out. Thank you boss for letting me shorten my shift for schoolwork. Thank you dad for letting me move into my nice big room again, instead of staying in the hole-in-the-wall with that awful orange carpet. Thank you to all the women and young women that came to stake basketball. A little friendly smack-talk and fellowship makes this church calling lots of fun. Thank you to my primary class kids for the smiles, laughs, and lessons you teach me. Thank you to professors and teachers who are so friendly and make my classes  interesting. 
Seriously, thanks.
Oh, and thank you to my family for filling up every corner of my life. 

while moving my stuff to my old room I discovered a few things. First, I have too many books. When I move out, I'm going to have to find a way to stash them all away somewhere. Second, I have a lot more clothes than I thought. Why is it then, that I never seem to have anything to wear? Third, this girl needs new shoes!

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