May 6, 2010

Exciting Times

So, living at my parents' house had been frustrating because I had absolutely no social life. Well basically no social life. Also, my Dad asked that I stay in the family ward for a year, so there were not many peers at church either. Everyone said that would change when I moved out...and it's so true! I love it! I don't even have to make plans; they just happen.

My new ward is really welcoming, although I wasn't exactly into the whole Star Wars party on the roof thing. Who knew that "May the 4th Be With You" was a holiday? (I even saw Jiffy Lube's scrolling marquee that said "Lube...I am your father.")

But better than that...
I Am Excited For
 Roommate Bonding w/Bones
Institute Party
History Block Party 
(yep, that's right)
Bi-Stake Dance
Mother's Day
Steph and the Boys Coming
Finally getting my cell phone

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